View the great deals available at Countryside Greenhouse now.
Make sure to check back in 2025 for more great buying opportunities.
We’ll be opening the 2024 season on Monday, April 15. We can’t wait to see you!
Our home grown Michigan hardy mums are now available! Stop in soon and take advantage of the great selection and value.
Looking for a gift that’s sure to please? Get a physical gift card mailed to you, or get a digital version delivered directly to your email inbox!
Get a physical gift card mailed to you, or get a digital version delivered directly to your email inbox!
We’ll be opening our doors for a new season on April 14. We can’t wait to see you!
Unique gifts, home decor, sweet treats, and so much more! Stop by to enjoy Farm Girl Flea’s fabulous and festive Holiday Market, held at Countryside on November 29-30, 2024.
We deliver anywhere within 100 miles of our location for $79, and just $1 per mile for anywhere further.
We’re gearing up for our big opening season and we need you to join our team!
Take advantage of our simple and effective Gift Card Fundraising Program to help your charitable organization or initiative thrive!
Take advantage of our simple and effective Gift Card Fundraising Program to help your charitable organization or initiative thrive!
Buy gift cards in bulk at a discounted rate. Tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus.
A yellow topper or yellow hanging basket tag indicates that the plant grows best when placed in full to partial sun.
A red topper or red hanging basket tag indicates that the plant grows in a mixture of sun and shade. These tags are best read for exact directions.
A blue topper or blue hanging basket tag indicates that the plant grows best in full shade or partial shade.
Sign up to receive email updates on new product announcements, special promotions, gift ideas, and more.
Closed for the season. We will be reopening on April 14, 2025!
9050 Lake Michigan Drive
Allendale Charter Twp, MI 49401
Closed for the season. We will be reopening on April 14, 2025!
9050 Lake Michigan Drive
Allendale Charter Twp, MI 49401